Commercial Segments

By hedging the relevant energy price exposures, companies can enjoy certainty around the performance of their operations. Whichever type of energy they are powered by, we have the tools and experience to help them hedge against energy price exposure.

Commercial Segments


Empowering global shipping
Commercial Segments

We are part of a worldwide shipping group actively engaged in the supply of bunker fuels to the global shipping fleet.

In an industry where up to 60% of all shipping costs are energy-related, we offer bespoke bunker fuels hedges in most major marine fuels, including VLSFO, diesel and – when necessary – the accompanying emissions certificates.


The sky is not the limit
Commercial Segments

We trade most grades of jet fuel and design hedges that allow for some flexibility in exposure to jet prices while helping provide greater certainty in the financial performance of operations.

Jet fuel prices are the next significant expense, ahead of labor costs, for any airline.

Oil Suppliers

Thin margins and high inventory turnover
Commercial Segments

The rapid inventory turnover and exposure to oil prices in that inventory require active price risk management.

We offer clients access to our risk management expertise during all major trading time zones. Although GRM is at the forefront of green energy risk management, the world will continue to run on fossil fuels for some time to come.

Industrial & Transportation

Greener energy risk management
Commercial Segments

Although GRM is at the forefront of green energy risk management, the world will continue to run on fossil fuels for some time to come.

GRM has significant experience in the trading of oil, refined products, natural gas, and coal. We also trade EUAs, RIN’s and VERs so that the more environmentally conscious client can contribute to making a greener world by participating in those schemes.


Long-term planning
Commercial Segments

Utilities are often constrained in their profitability opportunities by longer-term commitments to supply services.

As well as offering access to markets to lock in prices, GRM can provide longer-term hedging programs due to our experience and the financial stability acquired by being a member of a much larger group of companies.

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