Legal notes
Policies & Legal
Investment firm
The Global Risk Management Group consists of three companies, of which one is licensed with the Danish FSA as an investment firm. This means that we are subject to the rules and regulations of MiFID II (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive). MiFID legislation regulates firms providing services to clients linked to financial instruments – like we do with fuel price hedging.
Our legal name, therefore, contains the Danish word for investment firm: Fondsmaeglerselskab, since this is mandatory.
MiFID has been applicable across Europe since 2007 and is a cornerstone of the regulation of EU financial markets. It is designed to improve the functioning of the financial markets after the financial crisis and also to strengthen investor protection.
Global Risk Management Investment Firm is registered with the Danish FSA, license no. 8325.
MiFID sets out:
- conduct of business and organisational requirements for investment firms;
- authorisation requirements for regulated markets;
- regulatory reporting to avoid market abuse;
- trade transparency obligation for shares; and
- rules on the admission of financial instruments to trading
The protection of investors is strengthened through the introduction of new requirements on product governance and independent investment advice, the extension of existing rules to structured deposits, and the improvement of requirements in several areas, including on the responsibility of management bodies, inducements, information and reporting to clients, cross-selling and remuneration of staff.
If you wish access to our interim reports, contact us: news@global-riskmanagement.com